Thursday, May 14, 2009

Real Clear World Interview with Richard Haass, author of War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars:

RCW: How badly has American influence in the Middle East been damaged?

HAASS: The U.S. strategic position has worsened: Iran is much stronger, Iraq is weak and divided, Afghanistan is going in the wrong direction, and moderate Palestinians have lost ground to radical Palestinians. What we used to call the peace process is on its heels. Sunni Arab regimes are fearful of Iran, and to some extent, the Shia populations within their own countries.

The next era of Middle Eastern history – which we are already in – will be worse for the United States. The era after the Cold War – where for fifteen or so years the U.S. had no great power competitor, amassed the coalition that won the first Iraq war, and helped promote a peace process that nearly reached closure – is now over. We’re now in an era where Iran, various militias and terrorists now have a much larger share of power. We’re still the most important external actor in the region, but our position has clearly suffered.