Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shots fired leads to Carter man’s arrest

Of course, he has the right to bear arms against small children.

From Johnson City Press:

A shot fired in the direction of two children on Monday afternoon has led to the arrest of a neighbor. Larry Guinn Jr., 24, 161 Grace Lewis Road, has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault and one count of marijuana possession ... Witnesses told the officers that Guinn had first thrown a Pepsi bottle at the 5-year-old girl and 3-year-old boy who were inside a fenced-in lot on their property. They said Guinn then yelled for the adults in the residence to come outside ... as they came onto the porch Guinn pulled out a pistol and pointed the weapon in the direction of the children. He then fired one shot ... Guinn said "I'm tired of the (expletive) kids and I'm going to go get a silencer and blow all your heads off."